
Symptom of syringomyelia

Most cases probably start with pain in the arms and hands. The symptoms tend to progress gradually, and as they worsen, hand or arm paralysis, difficulty walking, and problems with going to the toilet may appear. Symptoms tend to be more severe in the hands and arms than in the legs. Surgery is quite effective in the early stage of the disease, but becomes ineffective if the disease progresses to a certain degree. Therefore, an early diagnosis and treatment are extremely important.

Mechanism of cavity formation

Numerous theories about syringomyelia associated with Chiari malformation have been proposed over the years, but the actual cause remains unknown. Even on the essential question of through which route the fluid enters the cavity, opinions are divided among scientists. They, however, agree today that a blockage in the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid around the spinal cord is the main etiology of the cavity formation.

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