
Symptom of hydrocephalus

What is the difference between hydrocephalus in adults and in children?

Although hydrocephalus can occur due to various causes as a complication of a range of different disorders, it is understood as a condition in which the internal pressure of the head rises, although this may actually encompass various different conditions. If hydrocephalus occurs during infancy, the main characteristic is the noticeable enlargement of the head described earlier. After this period, the increased internal pressure due to excessive cerebrospinal fluid exerts a force that compresses the brain directly inside the cranium that protects it, causing: 1) headaches (these headaches are particularly severe when lying down after going to sleep); 2) nausea; and 3) vomiting (with headaches improving after vomiting).

Other symptoms include anorexia, weight loss, and general fatigue, and as these may not initially be associated with a head condition, the disorder may go unnoticed for some time. Hydrocephalus can cause symptoms such as decreased vision and difficulties in eye movement due to effects on nerves. However, an adult form of hydrocephalus called NPH does not lead to increased pressure inside the head.

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